He's my rock... but he doesn't remember me.
Despite being grumpy about flying across the country through multiple time zones to watch my best friend, Kol, play basketball and spend some time with him, I'm secretly excited. Who wouldn't be excited to spend time with the man they're secretly in love with?
But then, he hits the floor--hard. Hard enough that the sound can be heard in the arena.
When he wakes up, he doesn't remember who I am. He doesn't understand what's going on. Which means he lashes out, and his words cut deep. I always knew Kol had a sharp tongue, but it'd never been lashed out in my direction.
Despite his hurtful words and his noncooperation, I take him home with me so he can heal.
So maybe he'll remember me.
Kol has always been good at playing me like a fiddle, but now, he's becoming an expert at making me bleed without killing me.
Will I be enough to bring back his memories, or are we destined to never truly know each other again?